
Posts Tagged ‘Neptune and allergies’

Neptune is often implicated in allergies. One of my friends and I both have T-Squares involving Neptune, personal planets and the moon. We both have Pisces as our ASCs, as well. And we both suffer from “allergy colds.”

While she, perhaps wisely, stays away from allopathic medication; I reach for my antihistamines the moment I know I’m in the midst of an attack.  So as I sit here writing this, waiting for the medicine to kick in, I’m listening to music and closing the browser window on articles I meant to read this evening. Some great posts, like this one and this one. Ordinarily, I would be all over them like white on rice, but at the moment I know I will not be able to assimilate much of what I read. Why? Because I have a cold.

One thing about allergy colds, though: they’re painless. And if you take a pill for them, you get mildly sedated and sleepy. It’s great really. Like right now, I have my favorite song on and I’m really into it because my mind has mostly shut down. I’m floating along with the music and the evening and a hot cup of tea. What’s not to like? Well, there is the little fact that I’m not capable of much right now. I can’t read any challenging material and I’m clumsy when I try to do things. Basically, I’ve become a half-wit.

When I woke up this morning and looked out of the window, there was fog everywhere. Do you wear specs? When the lens gets covered with something greasy, like a cream or Vaseline, the world looks smudged. You can’t see clearly. Same thing happens when your eyes tear. That’s what everything looked like in the morning: smudged.  Like a smudged charcoal painting, but with white charcoal instead of black. Yeah, yeah. I know, charcoal can’t be white. Poetic license. We’re talking Neptune here, so poetic license.

Child of Neptune that I am, I find foggy landscapes exquisitely beautiful. There are no harsh edges and the world is enclosed in a mantle of romance and mystery. Virgo is strong in me, too, and my Virgo Mercury warns me of what can happen to the careless, the unwary, in such situations. A car you didn’t see coming or a pedestrian you didn’t spot in time and it’ll be the Bee Gees singing Tragedy.

Neptune rules fog. Think about it. Something as insubstantial as that can ground flights! There isn’t much you can do about it, either. It’s the same with allergies; they fog the mind and an attack can leave you pretty useless.

Thanks to allergy immunizations, I don’t get these attacks very often now. Oh, the irony! Pharmaceuticals are ruled by Neptune, too! Today’s attack was probably triggered by the fog through which I walked to work. Also, the transiting moon in Virgo is applying a square to my natal Neptune from the sixth house and triggering my T-Square. I don’t always succumb when the moon glides through the sign of the Virgin, but I will be collecting data on this to see if I can find any correlations.

Poetic justice, don’t you think? Setting Virgo (my Mercury) to pin down Neptune?

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